Monday, April 25, 2011

Week of April 25th

The greens were groomed and top dressed today. They have needed it since the beginning of the season, but we have been waiting for the greens to firm up to better handle the weight of the equipment. Our plan is for a second top dressing early next week in preparation for the Men's and Ladies Opening Golf Events.

The applications of sand this week and next are to fill in any irregularities from last falls aeration and help firm and smooth the playing surface. A brush is used to drag the sand into the crown of the plant.
It's difficult to plan all of the maintenance in advance. We decided this morning that today was an ideal day to top dress because of the timing between the warmer drier weather of this past weekend  and the rain we are to get over the next few days.  The wet weather this week will help wash the sand into the crown of the plant minimizing damage to our mowers.

You will see various fertilizers being applied this week, these are Magnesium and Potassium supplements that are recommended based on soil testing. Again we are trying to take advantage of the weather to wash the products in to the turf. Now is an ideal time for homeowners to be applying a spring application of fertilizer to your home lawns. I recommend keeping the Nitrogen and Potassium numbers as close a possible. The first number on the bag represents Nitrogen, the second number Phosphorous and the third number Potassium. Potassium builds strength within the plant cells and will help the plant better resist stress. Always keep some extra on hand and time your applications when it rains.

Staff was able to get an early divotting of the fairways and tees done last week while play was slow and the weather was poor. This week we are hoping to edge bunkers and check sand depths.

If the irrigation is on, it's only because staff are testing and running diagnostics on the system making sure we are fully operational for when we really do need it.

We applied our first fungicide application yesterday. During cool wet weather the greens are prone to a disease called Fusarium Patch. It's a cousin of snow moulds which Poa is susceptible to in the spring and fall. This was a preventative application though there are a few active spots out there. Take a walk around the 6th green to see if you can spot them.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Course Opening - Friday April 15th, 2011

A tentative Course Opening Date has been set for this Friday April 15th. The warm temperatures and rain on the weekend has helped jump start the grass and we should have three cuts on the greens before we open. Staff have been working hard preparing the course for Friday. The winter blast during the last week of March has limited us to 8 working days to get the course up and running, far less than in years prior. Thank goodness Mother Nature was kind to us and we are looking forward to Opening Day.