Friday, August 17, 2012

Safety verses Emotion - These decisions are never easy

After the loss of what we though was a perfectly healthy tree behind our 10th green, there has been a lot of discussion with in the Greens Committee regarding member and staff safety and liability. The Basswood tree came down in the middle of the afternoon between the 10th green and 11tee while players were close by. Luckily no one was inquired.

This brings up the discussion of the the Ash Tree along the right side of the 6th fairway. There is no doubt the health of the tree is in question. How long do we let it go before we have the same thing happen as we did on the 10th. Branches are cleaned up every day from underneath it as the dead wood with in it increases.

The discussions are leaning towards taking the tree down sooner than later. So how do we compensate for the loss of the tree. There are many ideas floating around but before anything is to be done patience will need to be practiced to get a better feel for how the hole plays with out it. Secondly, our architect will offer advise on what we should do next. Whether it be bunkers, tree planting or work around the green I am sure we will all find a way to make bogey on it.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sorry for the delay, I'm back

It's been a trying year as we manage through one of the driest hottest years on record. We've implemented many new practices to our program since last fall and we have seen much improvement.
Tree removals, drill and fill and improved water management has translated into deeper roots, better drainage and improved playing conditions.
Rome was not built in a day and we need to continue implementing our new routine for a number of years before we reach our goal. Also expect a few hiccups along the way. 
Our troubles are continuing with the first green. This green is our poorest draining green along with the 6th, 10th and 11th. The sunken design of the 1st green restricts air movement attracts heat  and is becoming an environment difficult to grow turf in. I will use the analogy of a bath tub filling up with water which is what we are dealing with even in this drought.
Poa Annua Decline on 1st Green July 31, 2012
Our annual visit with the USGA is in a couple of weeks and our focus will be on specific hot spots through out the course. The 1st green being the most significant. We need to improve its ability to drain water through the profile immediately. Items we will discuss are doubling up on the drill and fill in the fall and the use of deep tine spiking machine called a verti-drain which can penetrate up to 12 inches and with a slight kicking action can crack soils and improve water percolation through the sub soil.
After Club Championship we will be aerating and seeding the first green to help in its recovery.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Course Opening March 30th

Who could have imagined we are opening the course in March. The Drill and Fill was completed a week earlier than expected because of the incredible weather we have been having. The process was very time consuming yet exciting. One inch holes, eight inches deep, were drilled on 3 by 6 inch spacing removing contaminated soils and replacing with sand. This is definitely a process to be performed in the late fall which has already been booked for November. We were hoping for two to three weeks of recovery time before members play, but with the early push to open the course, the greens will not have had as much time to heal as I would have hoped. Please be patient and all should be good within two weeks.

Drill & Fill - Finished Results

This incredible run of warm weather has forced our hand in beginning work on the course more than 2 weeks earlier than usual. This would be the earliest opening at the course that I can remember. Public courses have been open for some time and most of the private courses in our area are opening this week. Staff are busy raking, blowing, cutting, shoveling and polishing up everything for opening day.

Enjoy Playing in March!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Covers Come Off

With the projection of some warmer fluctuations in the temperature, today is a perfect day to remove the covers from the greens. The last thing we would want are fridgid cold temperatures over the next few days as the plant is very tender from being protected all winter and needs to harden off and acclimatize to the weather.

Here are a few pictures, all looks good!

11th Green

13th Green

14th Green

Putting Green

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tree Maintenance Continued

Here are a few more pictures for you to see.
Open up left side of 8 Tee to allow valuable
sunlight through
Allowing morning sunlight to filter on the 11th Green
Thinning of trees between the 5th and 8th Greens
 to better allow sunlight and water through to
improve turf quality.

Large Spruce Removal 7th Green

Monday, February 6, 2012

USGA - Tree Removal Recommendations

Here are some after photos of the tree work staff have been performing on the course this winter. We have selectively removed trees in all locations around the greens that was suggested by the USGA. We are continuing with removals to reveal some interesting views throughout the course and river.

Removed Pine and Norway Maple
Close to Club House
New View of the Valley Holes
View from the Putting Green
14th Hole
River View from 15th Tee

Hard to Believe these photo's were taken on February 6th, 2012.
More to come!