Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Still Waiting!

The feeling is like reaching for a quarter that has fallen beside your seat and you can't get it. It's incredible how different weather can be from one year to the next. We were only 3 days from opening last year at this time. This year we are mostly snow covered with below seasonal temperatures forecast for the next week.
We hope to start tinkering on the course after Easter and remove the covers from the greens if weather permits.
We will keep you informed with our progress, and let you know in the next week or so of our planned opening date. It's to early to tell yet!

I would like to welcome Steve Percy and Ben Bell to our team this year. Steve's experiences are from Grey Silo and The National, Ben's experiences are from Rebel Creek and Grey Silo. They will complement our staff nicely and look forward to working with them.

Go Leafs!