Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Busy Start to 2015

It's hard to believe we have been open for less than a week. Staff continue striking jobs off their list before attention turns to daily mowing and grooming of the course. The weather is on the up turn which is good news for the thin areas coming out of the winter and for over all plant health. Regular grooming of the turf should be in full swing by the weekend with improvements to green surfaces soon to follow.
Concern is being voiced by membership over aggressive tree removals last fall and  this spring. The importance of full sun on the putting surfaces throughout the entire year cannot be taken lightly.

Our trees have become very large and the spruce framing the backs of the greens are a solid block for sun and air movement. Removing spruce trees in the off season creates a shocking contrast without the deciduous trees in full leaf.

Nearly all damaged areas this spring are a direct result of shade and insufficient surface drainage.
It is no coincidence that the shadows from the trees which haven't leafed yet match ice damage patterns on the greens.
Moving forward we are creating environments in which bent grass can be encouraged to grow which is the ultimate resistance against winter and ice damage.
More to come on our weekly blog updates.