Monday, October 3, 2011

Addressing Wear Issues

4th Hole

            The wear around the 4th tee has been an issue for 20 years and expanding the walk on/off is our only solution. We will be removing the first 15 feet of the cedar hedge to increase the amount of area we have to walk on and off the tee. We have sourced a 15-18ft cedar to replace the last cedar removed to hide the unsightly end to the hedge because there will be no foliage left on the exposed cedar. The area will then be leveled and sodded. 
            The front portion of the tee is still well protected by the pines near the ball washer and will allow members approaching to see the front of the tee and where the blocks are placed.  We may also look at pruning the hedge 2 feet off the ground to allow air movement under the hedge and across the tee.

4th Tee Before
            Staff will be widening and extending the curbing along a portion of the path where the carts park, giving members more room to get on and off the carts.  This area will be graveled for the time being until we can find an opportunity to pave.

After Photo To Follow!


Mark Piccolo

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