Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Winter Pruning

Our trees are what truly defines the Galt Country Club. Over the years we have shown due diligence and compassion in which trees have been removed or pruned. In recent years it seems we have come full circle. Years ago we were very aggressive with pruning and removal and slowed down over the past few years mostly due to budget restraints. As the trees continue to grow they interfere more and more with the growing environments throughout the course. As beautiful as they are, trees are truly one of turfs biggest enemies. It's time to once again focus on the affects the trees are having on the turf and make the necessary adjustments through pruning and selective removal. 
We are concerned with shade on nearly half of the tees and greens on the course and it's having a negative affect on root depth, density and the occurrence of disease especially on the greens. As you can see in the above photo, two large pines between 11 and 13 greens have been removed along with selective clearing to the left of 11 green and back of 14 tee. Similar work has been performed between 12 green and 13 tee. Movement of the sun has been tracked, so that the trees removed had the maximum impact on increasing morning sunlight and improving airflow.

By no lack of effort we continue to come up short in our efforts to increase the turf density under the trees in the rough. Selective removal of a few trees in a grove will improve turf health, allow for more sunlight and space for the trees to grow and reduce competition for nutrients and water.  In the grove between holes 6 and 7, a number of trees were removed and the remaining ones pruned to improve this environment. Similar removal and pruning has been performed between holes 3 and 9.

The Tree Committee meets regularly, has toured the course and has communicated to the Greens Committee about what it is we wish to accomplish. Our goals are to open sight lines throughout the course and of the river, create better turf growing environments, improve growing conditions for our existing trees through pruning and selective removal and remove unhealthy or diseased trees such as Austrian Pine to create space for new planting.

Through the support of the Memorial Tree Fund and the generous donation from the Men's Calcutta Committee, we have ample funds to put towards new plantings this spring. Currently we are looking at filling the gaps between the existing willows on holes 15 and 17 with more willow, and establishing a mass planting of trees between the first fairway and Coronation Blvd, creating a needed visual and sound barrier for years to come. Several specimen trees will be planted throughout the course and staked in the spring for members to see.

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