Friday, January 21, 2011

IPM - What is it and what does it mean?

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a process that uses all necessary techniques to suppress pests effectively, economically and in an environmentally sound manner. IPM employs a two-pronged approach: managing the plant environment to prevent problems and using thresholds to decide how and when to treat pests.

Brown Patch (Rhizoctonia solani) - 15 Green
 As part of the Golf Industry's exemption to the Cosmetic Pesticide Ban, courses must be enrolled in the IPM Accreditation Program. This program recognizes companies who demonstrates their knowledge and commitment to the principles of IPM through a process of certification, auditing and professional development. 


Leather Jacket Larva - Small Putting Green

 The major component of the program is the Annual Desk Review Audit that must be submitted at the end of each season. This report is then reviewed by environmental auditors on behalf of the IPM Council to see if we meet IPM Accreditation Standards. In addition to the desk audit, every three years we must have an on site audit completed to maintain our full accreditation status which we are proud to say Galt Country Club has acheived.

As part of the program a copy of the 2010 annual report is available for members to look at in the office.

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