Monday, July 11, 2011

Japanese Beetle Traps

You may have noticed this past weekend we placed the Japanese Beetle Pheromone traps throughout the course. These green and yellow containers are scented with a pheromone that attracts the beetle into the containers which they cannot get out of. We then dispose of the beetles.
It is incredible how efficiently it works and the traps need to be emptied daily. We remove approximately 2 gallons of Beetles every day.
Japanese Beetle and European Chafer  (June bugs) are the two most common types of white grub we find on the course. Each of these will lay several eggs and can devastate the course and home lawns quickly, especially during hot dry summers. The Japanese Beetle adult will defoliate Linden, Horse Chestnut and other fragrant trees in a matter of days. We will spray many of our trees as a preventative measure to protect them over the next few weeks.

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