Saturday, July 2, 2011

Poa Stress

Greens 13, 15, 17 really didn't like what we did to them Thursday.  We spiked the greens and top dressed. These are 3 of the shallowest rooting greens we have and the Poa stressed Thursday under the brushing in of the topdressing sand. We are watching them closely and will not mow these 3 greens this weekend and just roll to allow for recovery.  Playability will not be affected it’s the visual that gets people talking.  I am somewhat concerned how little heat and wear stress it took to turn these greens off and we will be very careful over the next few days as temperatures rise to keep them cool with syringing in the mid afternoon. An application of soluble fertilizer will also help the recovery. A good rain always fixes everything and there is a chance of one today. Rooting is shallower than usual this year on all of the greens probably due to the wet spring. I will keep you informed if anything changes and we expect recovery to take a couple of days. We have seen this happen before, they will bounce back.

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